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Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?

作者:admin 来源:本站 发布时间:2017-11-21 09:00:55 点击数:25769

Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?  ( Section A 1a – 2d )



一、语言能力就是用语言做事的能力,涉及语言知识、语言意识和语感、语言技能、交际策略等; 1012日在抽签后到授课学校见学生环节,了解到所在的授课班级教学进度为Unit3 , 学生英语学习基础较好,简单的口语交流后发现,学生有2/3人数参与羽毛球、乒乓球的运动,甚至我还看到求实中学教学楼走廊里放置的供学生课间练习的毽子、球拍,所以能感受到运动是7年级学生既熟悉又喜欢的话题。如何把熟悉又喜欢的话题上出新意,这就成为我本次课力求展现的一个方面。本单元的话题为“与朋友共度时光”,语法项目涉及到一般现在时Do you have a …? Does she /he have a …?的使用。语言教学内容为:球类名词:basketball, soccer, volleyball, tennis, football, badminton。但是通过和学生的对话,这些内容都是学生已知的部分,教学中就要加入一些新球类的学习,racket , bat , cricket, shuttlecocks , American football, hockey, ice hockey, helmet 作为新授课的内容。


初一英语的教学中,也包括了根据字母组合识词拼词这一语言能力,因此,在新词教学中,渗透字母组合的概念,加入学生试读环节,如love – glove ; helmet – cricket; jacket – racket ;

hello –polo, cock – shuttlecock,以此种方式培养学生依旧学新、寻找新旧知识间联系的认知策略。设计know the score环节,实话实说,运用所学新知识I have a baseball , but I don’t have a baseball bat. 在师生、生生对话交流中巩固学生的交际策略。真实表达离不开一定的表情,教师示范输入目标语言,借用肢体语言如摇头、悲伤又加强了学生在交际过程中的情感策略。


三、思维品质是思考辨析能力,包括分析、推理、判断、理性表达、用英语进行多元思维等活动。培养英语思维能力在当下的外语教学中,培养学生的英语思维能力极其重要,即在使用英语进行理解和表达时,第一思维是用英语,而并非先用母语理解再进行思维的转化。本节课的教学目标之一为表达物品所属关系,I have a … Do you have a …? Does she have a …? 英文的判断和推理都要借助于一般疑问句来进行,所以设计了Keep your eyes on the ball 的游戏环节,1.利用课相关图片,创设语言情境,引发学生思维积极性。进行猜测,有文字线索和图片辅助,这些都训练了学生通过读图进行分析和推理的能力。6组图片选取学生熟悉的明星、同学和老师的照片,有趣又激动人心。



四、文化意识重点在于理解各国文化内涵,能理解并尊重文化差异。语言是文化的载体,文化传播依靠语言。文化意识的培养是外语教学中不可缺少的环节。了解国外文化有利于提高学生学习英语的兴趣、学生理解知识点,以及提高学生的阅读与交际能力。从本单元的语法功能上讲,需要加入文化的相关情境和语言,帮助学生理解2d role play the conversation 中邀请朋友打棒球,催促别迟到等文化知识。所以确定本节课的中心为ball games, 主线是What kind of ball game is the most popular ?  在课堂活动的不同环节设计有关ball 的俗语拓宽学生视野,帮助学生更深刻理解ball games 在英语文化中的受欢迎程度以及对英语语言的影响。2.精心挑选几段视频资料,帮助学生体会棒球在美国的受欢迎程度,在轻松愉快的Take me out to the ball game 歌曲中,了解peanuts and cracker jacks 的习俗,以此对比中国文化,接受文化差异,认同自己的文化。3.圣诞节、感恩节前的holiday game 文化知识,通过课前的预习作业进行渗透,用以帮助学生体会真实美国文化中的baseball 元素。

五、本节课为听说课,在创设的较为真实的情境交流中,学生练习目标语言知识,new words : tennis , racket , bat , cricket, shuttlecocks , American football, hockey, ice hockey, helmet new sentences : Do you have a …? 在师生口语交际的过程中,根据教师的目标语言输入,学生对于所学的知识已经进行了一个梳理和整合,除了目标语言外,学生还练习了Great ! Let’s play ! I am sorry , I don’t have a baseball bat .





§9.Teaching Procedures:

Warm up

A chant written by myself. Lead the students to read the chant in order to wake up the ears and communicate with the students in a normal way.

Friends are like you and me , some are old , some are new . Some like sports , some likes balls . Friends are like you and me .

    I can see that the students are confident about their pronunciation and enjoy the rhythm of the chant. They feel good about themselves at the beginning of the class.

Step 1. Lead - in.

After greeting the students , I played a video clip by offering the task : What kind of balls can you see ? Students write down the words they know in the column What do you know while watching the clip . Then we had a conversation about the balls , for example  Do you have a tennis ball ? Do you like it ? Is it popular inChina? I’d like the students to practice English in a social situation .In fact , they did. 

Step2.Be on the ball

At the second step, I gave an example and help the Ss express their collection. I have a baseball, but I don’t have a baseball bat. Students imitated a lot of sentences with the new sentences. 5 students practiced the target language by following the example. The I ask them Do you have a badminton rackets ? I led the students to practice the pronunciation of doyou and let the Ss ask and answer in pairs.

Step 3.Task 1Know the score! In this step , I want to train the English thinking way .Show the target language: Does she/he have a soccer ball?help the students to answer by Yes , she does. No she doesn’t . Students practice the target sentence in the social conversation instead of drilling the sentence patterns. Pictures of their favorite singers , movie star , their friends and their teacher can help get everyone involved in this difficulty points. Ss can gradually grasp the pattern of the target sentence .

Step 4. Task 3Hit a home run

We know in china we play basketball, pingpong, tennis , but people around the world play different ball games. My pen pal sent a photo of her cousin. One is Helen , the other is Cindy. I want the students to know the culture the conversation tries to express , I asked them to have a short discussion about the given question by the teacher.Where are they ? What do they want to do?

In the next step ,I guide the students to focus on the details of the picture. It will help understand the text better . The teacher and the students role play the conversation and understand the emotion together.And try to think the question, “What do you think of Cindy?”   

3 minutes later , I will choose 3 groups to act in front of the class. They did really good job. After watching the short clip, they know baseball game is so popular in theUSthat everyone should be early to get to the stadium.

Step 6.Take me out to the ball game. I would like the students to enjoy the song and learn more culture differences. In china we buy pop corns when we go to the movies but Americans buy hot dogs ,cracker jacks and pea nuts before they go to the gym.

   It’s a pity that I didn’t have enough time to finish the last part about culture knowledge.







Blackboard design:

Unit 5 Section A (1a – 2d)

                                                          New words

-           Do you have a …?    -Yes, I do.  / No, I don’t.

-           Does he have a …?    -Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t.
















中学英语教学的关键是从激发学生的兴趣入手,尤其对于初中起始年级的学生。教师在英语教学中,让学生做到听、说、读、写并举,眼、耳、口、鼻、脑并用,是激发学生学好英语的关键。除了激发学生的兴趣之外,还要培养学生多听、多练、多参与。课堂教学是由师生共同完成的,课堂教学的过程应是师生共同参与,相互合作,创造性地实现教学目标的新过程。为了达到这一目的,结合班级实际情况,本节课我所设计的4个教学活动以ball games 为主线,融入文化意识、英语俗语等的学习,在贴近学生实际、学生所感兴趣的话题情境中进行语言素养的培养和训练。


亮点一:本节课运用图片进行新单词的教学,直观生动地呈现给学生学习语言需要的材料,为学生搭建了一个很好的语言练习平台。在教授新词环节中,头脑风暴的形式运用较好,先说让我们做个球类游戏吧:认识一些球类的英语表达法。再利用图片进行新单词教学,学生积极参与,学生学会新词后,运用 I have a , but I don’t have a …学生在真实的语境中复习了新词,使不同层次的学生都有所收获、也体验到了成功的喜悦,为后面的进一步学习起到了积极促进的作用,也为后面学习句型作了很好的铺垫。

亮点二:课堂设计贴近学生生活,to know the score实话实说猜测这一部分,根据图片和文字提示进行猜测,激发了学生学习英语使用英语的兴趣,避免句型操练的缺乏语境的现象。课堂活动由易到难,层层深入,教学环节、活动环环相扣,使教学阶梯式的层层推进。





